Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Next Essay

For the next essay, you will explore what Voltaire’s essay has to say to our time, to our people, about our lives, our politics, our society, our humanness. You will need to listen to what the past has to say to the present, and what Voltaire has to say to you. You will:

* Pick and research a particular current example of intolerance - one recent event, one major instance.
* Determine what you think Voltaire would say about this issue.
* Write a 1000 word argument about that topic, using Voltaire's words to back you up.
* Include at least three authoritative sources, and quote, paraphrase and summarize from them to support your argument.
* Address the arguments of people who would disagree with Voltaire.
* Document your sources using internal MLA style and a works cited page.
* Turn in print outs of the pages from which you drew your source material, with what you quoted, paraphrased, or summarized highlighted.

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